Press Release - SPIE launches its employee shareholding plan SHARE FOR YOU 2024

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Cergy, 25 September 2024 - SPIE, independent European leader in multi-technical services in the areas of energy and communications, announces the launch of the 8th edition of its employee shareholding program, SHARE FOR YOU.

In 2023, the SHARE FOR YOU programme was a great success, with more than 17,000 employees across the company signing up. From September 26 to October 17, 2024, employees will once again have the opportunity to become shareholders of the Group or to increase their holdings in the capital of SPIE, directly or via a company mutual fund.

The subscription price has been set at 28.39 euros. This takes into account a 20% discount applied to the average opening price of the SPIE share on the Euronext Paris market during the 20 trading days preceding September 17, 2024, i.e. between August 20 and September 16, 2024, inclusive.

This 8th edition of the SHARE FOR YOU programme since SPIE's IPO in 2015 is open to more than 49,000 employees from 19 countries (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States).

With this new operation, SPIE is once again inviting its employees to share in its performance in the long term.

In December 2021, the employees, have become the Group's main shareholders. They held 7,1% of the capital on 30 June 2024. This ranks the Group among the top 10 companies of the SBF 1201 with the highest proportion of capital held by employees. By way of comparison, the average share of capital held by employees in SBF 120 companies is below 3%2.

The terms of this operation are described below.

SPIE SA (hereinafter the “Company”)
Registered office: 10 avenue de l'Entreprise, 95863 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex - France
Registered capital: € [78 240 012,64]
RCS: 532 712 825 R.C.S. Pontoise
Euronext Paris (France)
Ordinary share, ISIN code: FR0012757854

At the Combined General Meeting of May 3, 2024, the shareholders of the Company delegated to the Board of Directors in their 18th resolution, the power to decide to increase the Company's share capital, in one or more instalments, by up to a maximum nominal amount of € 2,000,000, or other securities giving access to the Company's capital, reserved for employees of the Company and French and foreign companies associated with it who are members of a Group company savings plan, subject to the conditions of Articles L. 225-180 of the Commercial Code and L. 3344-1 of the Labour Code. On July 25, 2024, the Board of Directors decided on the principle of issuing ordinary shares for the benefit of employees who are members of a Group company savings plan, adopted the main characteristics and delegated to the Chairman-Chief Executive Officer of the Company the necessary powers for the implementation of the operation.