PRESS DIGEST - Hong Kong - Sept 25

Sept 25 (Reuters) - Following are some of the leading stories in Hong Kong newspapers on Friday. Reuters has not verified these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy.


-, China's second-largest e-commerce services provider by sales, is gearing up to expand operations across Asia and pursue potential international investments after opening its new office in Hong Kong, said its chief human resources officer and general counsel Rain Long. (

- Former chief justice Andrew Li Kwok-nang spoke out in defence of judicial independence in Hong Kong and called on Beijing to refrain from overriding judgements of the top court. (

- More than 1,000 people have signed up to take part in a Facebook event, "Let's bring our musical instruments to take MTR", on October 3 after a university student was threatened with a HK$2,000 ($258.07) fine for carrying a cello - extra-large musical instrument - onto the train. (


- Hong Kong billionaire and casino magnate Lui Che-woo on Thursday set up what could be the largest prize in the world - HK$2 billion ($258.07 million)- to recognize individuals or organizations that have made contributions to advancing civilization. (

- Some parts of the artificial island to be used for the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge project might have moved but it is safe overall, said Hong Kong's Director of Highways Lau Ka-keung, responding to reports that some parts of the 150-hectare island built for the bridge's boundary crossing facilities had been moving by as much as seven metres. (

- An unprecedented 2,000 objections on voter registrations were lodged this year, up from the previous record high of 86, Electoral Affairs Commission chairman Barnabas Fung Wah said. (


- New World Development Chairman Kar-Shun Cheng said Hong Kong home prices might fall as much as 10 percent in the coming one year on increasing land supply and a U.S. rate hike. The company is targeting HK$10 billion Hong Kong property sales in the coming financial year, 42 percent less than last year.


- The Hong Kong government is expected to roll out six land parcels, involving 3,840 buildable units, when it announces its land sale plan for the new quarter next week, the most in seven quarters.

For Chinese newspapers, see...............

($1 = 7.7498 Hong Kong dollars) (Compiled by Clare Jim in Hong Kong; ; Editing by Biju Dwarakanath)
