PRESS DIGEST- Financial Times - Feb 19

Feb 19 (Reuters) - The following are the top stories in the Financial Times. Reuters has not verified these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy.


UK millennials fall behind on living standards

May talks up vocational courses ahead of fees review

Fears Oxfam scandal could hit all major charity donations


UK millennials, those born since 1981, have seen a deterioration in living standard improvements compared to the previous generation, setting them apart from most other developed nations, according to research from the Resolution Foundation think-tank.

British Prime Minister Theresa May on Monday will initiate an effort to rebalance post-secondary education away from universities towards vocational study as she announces a long-awaited review of all aspects of tertiary education.

The scandal at Oxfam, one of the world's biggest disaster relief charities, will deter wealthy donors from giving money to big charities, private bankers and analysts have warned. (Compiled by Bengaluru newsroom; Editing by Peter Cooney)
