Pivotal Cloud Foundry jumps on the mobile dev bandwagon

Add Pivotal to the list of tech players adding mobile services to its development platform.

Last week, the company announced Pivotal CF Mobile Services — which aims to enable developers to build push notifications into their applications; an API gateway to let them incorporate an array of third-party services; and data synchronization to give those apps access to lots of data types. The service, which builds on the Pivotal acquisition of Xtreme Labs last year, will be available sometime this quarter.

Since mobile-first development now is the rule of the land, every company that offers a development platform is scrambling to add — or acquire — services that help developers build smartphone or tablet apps more easily. As Gigaom reported last week, any major IT player that has not already done so will likely outline its mobile dev plan sooner rather than later.

Tick tock.Microsoft has already done so with Azure Mobile Services; ditto Amazon with AWS Mobile Services. Facebook bought Parse last year. A handful of independent mobile backend as a platform (MBaaS) remain including FeedHenry, Kinvey, AnyPresence, AppDynamics, Kii and others. Look for alliances or perhaps outright M&A activity around these guys.

Gigaom Research Analyst MSV Janikiram has a good tutorial here on what developers need to look for in a mobile platform

Aaron Levie on the Structure Show

Always a good interview, Box CEO and Co-founder Aaron Levie was a good sport again this week — subjecting himself to questions about the company’s planned IPO and ability to joust with giants on this week’s show. Cliff Notes version: Box is about more than file share-and-sync and suits companies that don’t want to lock into one software provider or OS. Levie’s segment starts at about minute 14.

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