Open Letter to Shareholders From US Nuclear's CEO

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LOS ANGELES, CA - (NewMediaWire) - June 03, 2024 - US Nuclear Corp. (OTC-QB: UCLE) continues to be the industry technology leader in its sector, and continues to find solutions, do the jobs that others cannot accomplish, and go where others cannot follow.

Below are highlights from 2023 as well as an update for shareholders:

  • Total sales revenue of $2,231,095 up from $2,091,366 the previous year, an increase of $139,729 or 6.68%

  • Gross profit of $924,306 up from $788,068 the previous year, an increase of 17.29%

  • Gross margin was a healthy 41.43% up from 37.68% the previous year, an increase of 3.75%

  • Year on year Overhoff division gross sales have increased four years running and Technical Associates two years running

  • US Nuclear has two manufacturing plants in Cincinnati, Ohio and Los Angeles, California, with sales representatives in a great many countries

Acquisitions and Mergers

US Nuclear has made acquisitions over the years:

Overhoff Technology, World's premier maker of Tritium monitors

Technical Associates, Maker of a wide range Radiation and Toxic chemical monitors

Electronic Control Concepts, Maker of medical X-ray test equipment

Cali From Above, Drones and drone services supplier

And is now actively looking for additional opportunities

Bob Goldstein, CEO of US Nuclear and graduate of MIT and Stanford in Physics and Engineering, provides the following highlights:

USN proceeds to develop and sell vitally needed health and safety equipment, specialized products and solutions that continue to grow in demand, commanding high markups and good profits. In particular, sales of our tritium monitoring products have increased as the use and market demand for these products surges.

We are also excited about our unique new PFAS monitoring product which can be used to detect even trace-amounts of PFAS contamination down to and below the EPA's strict new limits that were recently put into force. With the EPA's new standards requiring all companies and water utilities to start monitoring PFAS way down to a few parts per trillion, we expect to see an influx of new business for this product line.

US Nuclear's Overhoff Division is the Go-To Tritium Monitoring Solution

With fusion energy research and fusion power ushering in a new trillion-dollar industry, our tritium monitoring products will be at the center of this revolution and will see explosive growth as we are currently the go-to provider for tritium monitoring solutions.

The fusion power Joint European Torus (JET) recently set a new record demonstrating the ability to reliably generate fusion energy using tritium and deuterium as the fuel source, and with preparations for ITER and so many other multi-million and multi-billion dollar fusion projects well underway, the use and market demand for tritium gas and tritium monitoring products are surging.