Officials warn to watch out for romance scams

Feb. 10—Officials are warning people to watch out for romance scams during this month of love.

The New Mexico Securities Division has issued a scam alert for online dating. According to the alert, a romance scam happens when a person uses a fake online identity to gain a person's affection and trust. These scammers will then manipulate or steal from the person.

Capt. Robbie Telles with the Clovis Police Department said some other online dating scams include catfishing, advance fee fraud, phishing, blackmail, fake merchandise schemes, and targeting individuals seeking love or companionship.

The NMSD suggests looking out for these warning signs when online dating:

— Reluctance to meet in person, living in another country, or working on an "overseas project"

— Wanting a long-distance relationship

— Discussing wealth or business success

— Pressuring victim to give them money

— Introducing an app or website with investing information

In 2021, the FBI reported more than 170 victims of romance scams in New Mexico, according to the NMSD.

The NMSD provided tips on how to avoid getting scammed this Valentine's Day:

— Keep your guard up and be wary of someone who starts asking for money or encourages you to invest.

— Do online searches to get a better idea of who you're talking to. Scammers often use stolen images, so a reverse image search online might tell you all you need to know.

— Ask to meet in-person or via a clear video chat to determine if the person is who they say they are.

— Research the websites and apps potential suitors suggest. Often scammers will create a custom online platform to take your money and hide from authorities.

"Try to do a reverse image search of the photos they use on social media or the application you are communicating with them on. You will be able to find if the photos are used on several other dating applications and if they are using different names," Telles wrote in an email.

Telles also said to never send money to someone a person only talks to online and to avoid people who always have an excuse to not meet in person.
