NOVAC, a Korean motorcycle bag brand. Recruitment of automobile designers to increase K-design influence of signature sling bag.
Chuncheon-si, Korea, Jan. 26, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
NOVAC, which is a motorcycle bag brand, sets out to expand the business extension in earnest. Through the scouting of the people of talent, the launch of a new product, etc., the domestic market share is expanded. And, at the same time, the policy is to concentrate on improving the brand value.
NOVAC suddenly scouted the designer Sohn, Hee-jeong, who had built up the fame as an automobile designer. Especially, through the shocking walk of scouting the automobile designers and not the bag designers, it has been an issue within the industry.
In relation to the scouting of the designer Sohn, NOVAC emphasized that it is for seeking a sustainable innovation. In the case of the previous motorcycle bag products, because most of them had the design of an outdoor (mountaineering) bag as the motif, it reflected the feedback that, compared to the past, the innovation had fallen. As such, while scouting the designer Sohn, by applying the designs of the sports cars, the motorcycles, etc. to the bag, the resolution of NOVAC is to introduce the sporty and refined designs.
Regarding the designer Sohn, after joining NOVAC, in the year 2022, which was before the launch, while being in charge of the design of the Signature Series (Backpacks, rear bags, and sling bags), she had heightened the feeling of the expectation regarding the new series. While carrying out the various work that adjusted the focus to the sporty designs, she had strengthened the brand identity, and, furthermore, she has the resolution to concentrate on the expansion of the ability to influence of the K-design.
While emphasizing the point that she had carried out the major, too, of clothing design while attending the Department of Automobile Transportation Design at Kookmin University at the same time, she showed the ambition that she will show an innovation of the motorcycle bag design together with NOVAC.
In addition, while launching ‘Signature sling bag’, which is a new product of the ‘Signature Series’, which are the fashion bags that contain the emotion of the motorcycle intact, NOVAC has been making the attention inside the industry concentrated. According to NOVAC, this product has a patent-applied design (Application number- 30-2019-0045016) that was conceived by a sports car designer. The use of the high-strength TPO material, which is used for the motorcycle seats, and the use of the PU material, which expresses the matte black, are the special features. Thanks to this, by possessing the water-proof and flame-proof functions, the competitiveness had been heightened.