Notice to convene the annual general meeting in FirstFarms A/S

In This Article:

FirstFarms A/S
FirstFarms A/S

The Board of Directors hereby convenes to annual general meeting in FirstFarms A/S, CVR 28 31 25 04.
The annual general meeting will be held on Tuesday 16 April 2024 at 2 p.m. in:

SAGRO, Majsmarken 1, DK-7190 Billund

The Annual General Meeting will also be broadcast live in Danish language via webcast through the company's shareholder portal. The transmission will only cover the rostrum.


1.    Report on the company’s activities

2.    Presentation and adoption of the annual report with auditor’s report for approval and discharge of the Board of Directors from their obligation, having adopted the accounts

3.    Decision about utilisation of profit or covering of loss according to the approved annual report

4.    Approval of remuneration to the Board of Directors

5.    Presentation of and advisory vote on the remuneration report for 2023

6.    Proposals from the Board of Directors

Information about the Articles of Association.

a) Proposal to expand the Board of Directors from 6 to 7 members
b) Proposal to change Articles of Association
1) Authorisation to the Board of Directors to increase the company’s share capital
   2) Authorisation to the Board of Directors to issue convertible bonds and to carry out the related capital increase
c) Authorisation to acquire own shares
d) Authorisation to the chairman of the meeting

7.    Election of Board members

8.    Election of auditor

9.    Any other business

For adoption of the proposals under item 2–5, 6.c, 6d and 7-9, simple majority of votes is required. The proposals under items 6.a and 6.b require adoption of at least 2/3 of both votes given as well as of the part of the share capital represented at the general meeting.

Admission, proxy and postal votes
A shareholder’s right to attend and vote at the general meeting is determined on the basis of the number of shares held by the relevant shareholder on the registration date, which is one week prior to the date of the general meeting. The registration date is Tuesday 9 April 2024.

Attendance at the general meeting is furthermore subject to the shareholder having requested an admission card for the general meeting in question no later than 3 days before the holding of the general meeting. Admission cards will be issued to any such persons who according to the register of shareholders are registered as shareholders at the registration date. Shareholders who are not registered in the register of shareholders shall in order to obtain an admission card submit a deposit transcript from VP Securities A/S or the custodian institution documenting the shareholder’s shareholding on the registration date.