Notice of Annual General Meeting

In This Article:

Pandora A/S
Pandora A/S

The Annual General Meeting (the “Meeting”) of Pandora A/S (the "Company") is hereby convened to be held on

Thursday, 14 March 2024 at 10:00 a.m. CET (doors will open at 9:30)

The Meeting will be held at

Pandora A/S, Havneholmen 17-19, DK-1561 Copenhagen V, Denmark

with the following agenda:

  1. The Board of Directors' (the “Board”) report on the Company's activities during the past financial year.

  2. Adoption of the audited Annual Report 2023.

  3. Presentation of the Remuneration Report 2023.

  4. Adoption of proposal on the Board’s remuneration for 2024.

  5. Proposed distribution of profit as recorded in the adopted Annual Report 2023, including the proposed amount of dividend to be distributed or proposal to cover any loss.

  6. Election of members to the Board.

  7. Election of auditor for the Annual Report 2024 and the Sustainability Report 2024.

  8. Resolution on the discharge from liability of the Board and the Executive Management.

  9. Any proposal by the Board and/or shareholders.

The Board submits the following proposals:

9.1       Reduction of the Company's share capital by cancellation of treasury shares.
9.2       Approval of amendments to the Indemnification scheme for the Board and consequential changes to section 7 of the Remuneration Policy.
9.3       Approval of the Remuneration Policy, including
            A. Specification of the derogation clause in section 1 of the Remuneration Policy.
            B. Amendment of the terms for the maximum opportunity in the short-term incentive plan for Executive Management in section 4 of the Remuneration Policy
            C. Amendment of the method of calculating the travel allowance for members of the Board.
9.4       Authorisation to the Board to let the Company buy back own shares.
9.5       Authorisation to the chair of the Meeting.

 10.    Any other business.

Complete proposals

Re agenda item 2:
The Board proposes that the audited Annual Report 2023 be approved by the Meeting.

Re agenda item 3:

Presentation of the Remuneration Report 2023 for an advisory vote.

Re agenda item 4:
The Board proposes that the remuneration of the Board for 2024 be approved by the Meeting:

  • A fixed base fee of DKK 570,000 (changed from 550,000 in 2023).

  • The chair of the Board receives 3 times the fixed base fee, whereas the deputy chair receives 1.5 times the fixed base fee (unchanged from 2022).

  • The chair and members of the Audit Committee receive 0.8 and 0.4 times the fixed base fee, respectively (unchanged from 2022).

  • The chair and members of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee receive 0.5 and 0.25 times the fixed base fee, respectively (unchanged from 2022).