The most expensive rail construction projects in 2024

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According to the GlobalData project database, 205 rail construction projects broke ground in 2024, with a combined cost of $389.32bn. This is a notable decrease the same as the number of railway projects that entered the execution phase in 2023 (250), but the capital expenditure has increased 56% compared to the 2023 figure of $250bn.

In previous years Asia has dominated the list of rail construction projects, and the last year has followed the trend with 43% of all railway projects to break ground in 2024 located in the continent. Europe is close behind, however, with around 40% of projects located on the continent.

The most common type of rail construction project to break ground over the last year was mass rapid transit or metro projects. Over a quarter (26%) of all railway construction projects across the globe were mass rapid transit or metro projects, costing a total of over $279.07bn. High-Speed Rail projects are a close second – 43 (21.2%) of all projects to break ground last year were High-Speed Rail projects, cumulating $319.24bn investment.

Asia has dominated the top spots in the ten most expensive projects over recent years, but in 2024 it shared that title with the Americas – China and the US feature four times each in the top ten list. Whereas the trend previously has been for big Mass Rapid Transit projects, in 2024 the majority of the top rail construction projects were High-Speed Rail.

So, here are the 10 most expensive rail construction projects to break ground in 2024, according to the GlobalData construction projects database.

10. Zhangzhou–Shantou High-Speed Railway, China: $5.65bn

The Southeast Coastal Railway Fujian Company is constructing a High-Speed Railway line from Zhangzhou to Shantou in Guangdong Province, China. The project aims to improve railway infrastructure to reduce travel time and distance in the region by acting as a faster parallel corridor to the existing mixed passenger/freight Xiamen–Shenzhen railway.

The project involves the construction of a 176km High-Speed Railway with a design speed of 350km/h, seven stations, platforms, bridges, tunnels, administrative facilities, the installation of signal and safety systems, and the laying of railway tracks.

The project will be developed in multiple sections. The Guangdong Section is 48.83km and Fujian Section is 127.45km. Construction commenced on the project in February 2024 and is expected to be completed by 2028.

9. BART Silicon Valley Rail Extension (Phase 2), US: $6.8bn

The Santa Clara County Valley Transportation Authority is extending the existing Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system to San Jose, Milpitas, and Santa Clara in California, US.