New to Mitchell, man organizes toy donation for Mitchell's Head Start preschool

Dec. 18—MITCHELL — The Head Start preschool was showered with an avalanche of donated toys Monday, Dec. 18, thanks to an overwhelming community response to a toy drive put on by Joshua Drury.

Drury has been doing toy drives every year since owning a tattoo shop and was stunned by the generosity of community.

"Considering as new as we are to Mitchell, yes. I was very surprised that the community kicked in," Drury said.

A Yankton native, the 46-year-old has been tattooing for 23 years and opened his own shop, Shenanigans Tattoo Company, on West First Avenue, after moving to Mitchell in January.

Drury's toy drive ran for about three weeks, and enough items were collected to give gifts for 45 children, along with at least 10 more toys donated to the Head Start preschool. Items were collected through word of mouth from friends, family and clients of the tattoo shop.

"You have to give back, otherwise you ain't got nothing," he said about his reason has to why he started the toy drive.

And giving back is what Joshua Drury and his family plan to do every year.
