Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during a speech at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee.
The polls just keep getting worse for Hillary Clinton.
The latest survey, from CNN/ORC, shows the Democratic presidential front-runner's lead over her primary rivals dwindling. And Clinton has also seen her advantage against potential Republican challengers evaporate.
In the Democratic presidential primary, Clinton leads with 37% of the vote. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont), who is running as a Democrat, grabs 27% of the vote. And Vice President Joe Biden, who is weighing a run, gets 20%.
Clinton's support is down 10 points from last month and a whopping 19 points from July, when 56% of likely Democratic primary voters said she was their top choice.
Sanders' support is virtually unchanged from a month ago — but Biden jumped about 6 points in the poll compared with August's survey.
Clinton also is faring more poorly against her theoretical general-election opponents, continuing a trend that has developed over the past several weeks. A look:
Clinton trails former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida (R) 49-47 among registered voters. On the other hand, Bush trails Biden by 8 points.
Clinton and Republican real-estate magnate Donald Trump are tied among registered voters, each grabbing 48% of the vote. Biden would beat Trump by 10 points if the election were held today, the poll shows.
Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, a Republican, leads Clinton by 5 points among registered voters. Biden trails Carson by 3 points.
(Thomson Reuters)
Vice President Joe Biden at the Javits Convention Center in New York at an event to discuss the minimum wage.
A concerning development for Clinton is her deteriorating strength among female voters. Her advantage against Republicans among women has virtually disappeared — save for the potential matchup against Trump.
Bush and Clinton, for example, are essentially tied among female registered voters. And Clinton leads Carson by just 3 points among women, while Carson has an outsize advantage (14 points) with men.
And her near universal support among Democratic women is also sliding. Clinton remains the first choice of 41% of Democratic women, but that's down 11 points from just last month, according to the poll.
Some good news for Clinton in the poll: Most Democrats still expect her to be the party's nominee next November. Overall, 55% of Democratic primary voters think she's most likely to win the nomination, even if she may not be some of those voters' first choice right now.
But even that comes with a couple of caveats. In July, 75% of Democrats said they presumed she would be the nominee. And the poll notes a reminder that in October 2007, 64% of Democrats expected she would be the party's 2008 nominee. That nomination, of course, went to President Barack Obama, then an Illinois senator.