Michael Burry Is Selling These Stocks in 2024

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Over the past few years, Michael Burry has gained more media attention with his recession warnings and market crash "predictions" than he did for accurately foreseeing the 2008 financial crisis. But his persistent warnings about recession and market crashes never realized, denting his reputation as an expert and hedge fund manager.

Were Michael Burry's Recession Warnings Wrong?

A cursory look at Burry's portfolio moves shows that he's becoming more fickle than ever, constantly buying stocks and then selling them after a few months. In 2022, when the inflation storm was at its peak and the market was panicking, Burry tweeted:

"As I said about 2008, it is like watching a plane crash. It hurts, it is not fun, and I'm not smiling."

But the crash Burry was watching never happened.

In August 2023, Wall Street Journal analyzed Michael Burry's recession warnings and found that he's made at least five "dire" market predictions. But that's not the news. The news is that each time he predicted something horrifying about the market, the S&P 500 saw positive returns over the next six months. Six-month average annualized gain posted by the S&P 500 following these five Burry predictions was 34%.

"Overconfidence" or Something Else?

Why are Michael Burry's market predictions not accurate anymore? Researchers Jerker Denrell and Christina Fang in 2010 published an interesting research paper titled Predicting the Next Big Thing: Success as a Signal of Poor Judgment. The paper talked about the reasons why experts who make accurate predictions about "extreme" events often follow up with more, and fail. The paper highlighted several reasons behind this trend, but one of these was overconfidence.

"An alternative explanation of our results is that a successful prediction generates overconfidence. Overconfident individuals, who overestimate the precision of their private information relative to publicly available information, are likely to make less accurate predictions. For example, Hilary and Menzly (2006) show that analysts who have predicted earnings more accurately than the median analyst in the previous four quarters tend to be simultaneously less accurate and further from the consensus in their subsequent predictions."

Michael Burry Is Selling These Stocks in 2024
Michael Burry Is Selling These Stocks in 2024

Michael Burry of Scion Asset Management

Despite his recession warnings not playing out as he predicted, Michael Burry remains one of the market geniuses whose moves are watched keenly by investors. For this article we scanned Michael Burry's Q1'2024 portfolio and picked some notable stocks he sold in the quarter.