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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Marimaca Copper Corp. (“Marimaca” or the “Company”) (TSX: MARI) is pleased to announce that following the Company’s Declaración de Impacto Ambiental (Environmental Impact Statement) (“DIA”) submission on December 27th, 2024, the Company received it’s Informe Consolidado de Solicitud de Aclaraciones, Rectificaciones y/o Ampliaciones (Consolidated Request for Clarifications, Rectifications and/or Extensions) (“ICSARA”) on February 14th, 2025.
The receipt of the ICSARA is the first milestone for Marimaca under its permitting process, and the Company will now compile and respond to the consolidated requests received. The Company remains optimistic in being positioned to receive its Resolución de Calificación Ambiental (Environmental Qualification Resolution, or “RCA”) in late 2025.
The DIA submitted to the Servicio Evaluación Ambiental on December 27th was prepared by Jaime Illanes & Asociados (“JIA”), one of Chile’s Tier 1 environmental consulting firms, in collaboration with Marimaca’s highly experienced Chilean leadership team. The DIA consists of over 4,000 pages of comprehensive study-work and baseline data to support the sustainable development and operation of the Marimaca Oxide Deposit (“MOD”).
Jose Antonio Merino, Managing Director Chile, commented:
“Sustainability and social imperatives form a core part of our business objectives from the beginning. We believe this aligns with Chile’s objective to continue to grow its supply of critical minerals in the most sustainable manner possible.
After years of baseline data collection, rigorous analysis of environmental and social sensitivities existing within our Project’s area of influence, and careful design of our Project, we are pleased to see that our permitting process is progressing as planned.
We must now take the time to answer all of the queries raised as thoroughly as we can to addresses any remaining concerns about our project.”
Hayden Locke, President & CEO, commented:
“We are at an important inflection point in our development and momentum is gathering for our exceptional copper development project. We continue to progress well on the MOD DFS and remain very excited about the exploration and future growth opportunity at Pampa Medina.”
About Marimaca Copper Corp.
Marimaca is a copper exploration and development company focused on its 100%-owned flagship Marimaca Copper Project and surrounding exploration properties located in Antofagasta Region, Chile.
The Marimaca Copper Project hosts the MOD, an IOCG-type copper deposit. The Company is currently progressing the Marimaca Copper Project through the DFS, led by Ausenco Chile Ltd. In parallel, the Company is exploring its extensive land package in the Antofagasta region, including the >15,000ha wholly-owned Sierra de Medina property block, located 25km from the MOD.