ManualMotive Fights to Keep Manuals Alive in a Fading Industry with the Launch of their New Affiliate Program and Innovative Sales Platform

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / June 16, 2022 /ManualMotive, an online manual automobile sales platform, is on a mission to keep manuals alive in a fading industry with their new affiliate program. The company was founded in March 2022, when ManualMotive felt a need to develop a user-friendly platform for manual car enthusiasts to buy and sell their vehicles on a trusted and secure website. In recent years, manual car production has been at an all-time low, and manual car users often struggle to sell or purchase used vehicles.

ManualMotive, Wednesday, June 15, 2022, Press release picture
ManualMotive, Wednesday, June 15, 2022, Press release picture

"In the ever-shrinking population of manual vehicles, our team of car enthusiasts knew we needed to create a space for other manual car enthusiasts to make secure purchases and sales. With the innovative ManualMotive, we are working hard to keep manuals alive, one sale at a time," said the founder of ManualMotive. "ManualMotive is a home for all things manual. Thanks to our groundbreaking platform, the manual vehicle market will continue to thrive."

In addition to this exciting online car sales platform, ManualMotive also offers extended services to customers within the Atlanta, Georgia region. These services include photography, videography, and advertising for car sales. The company will soon release an auction feature on the platform, allowing users to make bids on manual vehicles they wish to purchase. Both individual sellers and licensed dealers are able to make use of the ManualMotive platform. All car sellers are screened to ensure legitimacy to help buyers avoid scams and time-wasting. ManualMotive also offers an affiliate program to allow users to gain commission when referring new users to the platform. Making a sale or purchase is not necessary to participate in the affiliate program. The many features of ManualMotive make it an effective car sales platform that is helping bring the manual car industry back to life, one sale at a time.

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About Manual Motive

Founded in March 2022, ManualMotive was created to provide a space for manual car enthusiasts to buy and sell their vehicles on a trusted and secure platform. Buying or selling a vehicle on ManualMotive is not required to participate in the affiliate program. For users local to the Atlanta, Georgia region, ManualMotive offers extended services such as photography and videography for vehicles to be sold on the platform. ManualMotive is available to use for both individual sellers and dealers.

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SOURCE: ManualMotive

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