Lawmakers grill Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Libra

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is in for a long day on Capitol Hill.

Zuckerberg is testifying about Facebook’s (FB) cryptocurrency plans and impact on the housing sector before the House Financial Services Committee.

Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) kicked off the hearing with a blistering rebuke of the social media giant.

“Facebook’s plans to create a digital currency, Libra, raise many concerns related to privacy, trading risks, national security, monetary policy and the stability of the global financial system,” Waters said.

Waters reiterated her call for a moratorium on the Libra project until regulators can figure out how to deal with it.

”It would be beneficial for all, if Facebook concentrates on addressing its many existing deficiencies and failures before proceeding any further on the Libra project,” said Waters.

She went on to list a series of problems she sees with Facebook, including a lack of diversity, housing discrimination, antitrust and election interference.

In his opening statements, Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) urged lawmakers to hear Zuckerberg out — and avoid a knee-jerk reaction that could hinder innovation going forward.

“Today is a trial on American innovation,” said McHenry. “Politicians enabled by special interests and a lack of understanding of new tech use fear to justify what is ultimately a power grab. New laws, new regulation but ultimately old and tired ways to centralize power here in Washington.”

Still, McHenry acknowledged concerns about what the company is doing. “I have my qualms about Facebook and Libra — I do. And the shortcomings of big tech. There are many, yes, there are. But if history has shown us anything, it’s better to be on the side of innovation, competition,” said McHenry.

Scrutiny over Libra

Zuckerberg began his opening remarks talking about the benefits of Libra, though he acknowledged Facebook is not the “ideal messenger” for the project, given the past “challenging” few years. He told lawmakers the “financial industry is stagnant” and Libra can help the United States “extend its financial leadership.”

“I actually don’t know if Libra is going to work, but I believe it’s important to try new things — as long as you’re doing so responsibly. That’s what has made America successful and it’s why our tech industry as led the world,” Zuckerberg said.

Zuckerberg tried to assure a skeptical committee, by saying Facebook will not be part of a Libra launch that doesn’t have the approval of U.S. regulators. Rep. Bill Huizenga (R-MI) forced Zuckerberg to get more specific, by asking what would happen if the Libra Association decided to launch without U.S. approval.