What We Know About Yellow Vests’ Bank Run and How Crypto Could Help It

On Jan. 7, activists of the French grassroots political movement the Gilets Jaunes — Yellow Vests — announced a bank run via social media, essentially hoping to meet their goals by destabilizing the local financial system.

Dubbed the “Collectors’ Referendum,” the movement’s latest demonstration calls on supporters to withdraw their savings from financial institutions on Saturday, Jan. 12. While the political action does not mention cryptocurrencies, it seems that such a run on the banks could hypothetically affect the crypto market — and vice versa.

What’s a bank run?

A bank run entails a lot of people withdrawing their money from a given bank. It normally happens when investors start to feel that their bank may cease to operate in the near future.

As a result, a fractional-reserve banking system — in which banks keep part of their assets locally, usually at least equal to a fraction of their deposit liabilities — becomes challenged, while people start opting for other assets instead of fiat: for instance, bonds, precious metals or, theoretically, cryptocurrencies, as their decentralized structure might guarantee more independence from financial institutions.

There have been numerous bank runs throughout history, namely during the Great Depression and the 2007-08 financial crisis. However, according to academic research on bank runs, they tend to occur naturally due to panic and rumors among depositors rather than voluntarily, which makes it harder to assess the potential effectiveness of the Yellow Vests’ plan.

Brief introduction to the Yellow Vests movement and their bank run plan

The Yellow Vests movement started in November 2018, when various posts on social media suggested blocking roads and using yellow, high-visibility vests as a symbol of solidarity and support (hence the name). Mass protests across mainland France followed, with the immediate cause being the carbon taxes on petrol and diesel introduced by the French President Emmanuel Macron. Consequently, the activists have demanded lower fuel taxes, the reintroduction of the solidarity tax on wealth, a higher minimum wage and Macron's resignation.

Another crucial point for the Yellow Vest movement is the Référendum d'initiative Citoyenne (Citizens Initiative Referendum – RIC), the proposal for a popular referendum in which citizens could propose and repeal laws, amend the constitution or remove an elected representative. Essentially, it is a form of direct democracy akin to the one employed in Switzerland.