Kevin O’Leary’s Stock Portfolio: 10 Stock Picks for 2023

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In this article, we discuss the 10 companies to consider in the portfolio of Kevin O’Leary. If you want to read about some more companies in the stock portfolio of Kevin O’Leary, go directly to Kevin O'Leary’s Stock Portfolio: 5 Stock Picks for 2023.

Kevin O’Leary, one of the most well-known finance personalities on television, has made a number of significant stock investments over the years. As the Chairman of O’Shares Investment Advisors, O'Leary contends that stocks in your portfolio should be high-quality businesses with sound balance sheets and great financial performance. Secondly, he believes that a portfolio should be diversified so as to include a variety of market sectors. The last factor, and perhaps the most important, is the need for dividend payments by the firms he is considering investing in.

With that being said, the economic crisis heightened by the coronavirus contagion during the last two years and the spillover effects of it across the globe has led to financial markets being more volatile in 2023 compared to pre-pandemic years. Obviously rising interest rates contribute to this as well. Because it is unclear how the economy will respond to increasing interest rates, stocks are falling. However, O’Leary, in an interview with CNBC, said he firmly believes in retaining stocks during a time of rising interest rates.

“Even as rates go up, equities are the place to be because fixed income gets hurt a lot more,” he said. This is greatly evident in the kinds of stocks he invests in. According to the investment mogul, businesses that have control over their prices provide good investment opportunities. In light of the current situation, O'Leary seeks out businesses that may raise prices without facing too much opposition from consumers.

“Where you want to be in equities, particularly when rates start taking up, is in companies that have pricing power,” O’Leary added. “In other words, their goods and services are necessities for people, so they are willing to take a small increase in price, sometimes a larger one, as rates go up.” The companies that satisfy this criterion are the ones that belong to the healthcare sector. 

“Right now, healthcare looks really good and also consumer cyclicals look very good,” he said. O’Leary further suggests that in times of inflation, investors should focus on businesses that provide goods and services that people still need, particularly "what they eat" and "what they drive."

Another area in which O’Leary thinks people can retain stocks is the energy sector. During the ongoing period of high inflation, the costs of fueling your car, and heating your office or home have become all the pricier. Subsequently, for the past couple of years energy stocks have generated above-average gains. Therefore, the energy sector, O’Leary maintains, is a stable market to invest your stocks in, despite the recent drop in oil prices.