Ken Fisher Portfolio: 12 Biggest Positions

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In this piece, we will take a look at Ken Fisher's latest investment portfolio and the 12 biggest positions. If you want to skip our overview of Fisher, his investment firm, and the broader U.S. stock market and macroeconomic environment, then you can take a look at Ken Fisher Portfolio: 5 Biggest Positions.

Ken Fisher is one of the richest people in the world courtesy of his hedge fund Fisher Asset Management. The fund had $203 billion in investments spread across its portfolio according to filings with the SEC. Fisher set up his hedge fund nearly five decades ago in 1979 and served as its CEO until 2016 before relinquishing the role. Right now, he's the Executive Chairman of Fisher Investments and holds the title of co-chief investment officer along with Jeff Silk.

A $203 billion investment portfolio is no small achievement, even if the highly risky nature of the hedge fund industry sees the biggest players such as Ken Griffin's Citadel and Seth Klarman's Baupost often take leverage to fund their bets and double their returns. Investment portfolios of this size mean that not only do Fisher Investment's clients have to trust the firm, but also that the hedge fund has to demonstrate that it is able to outperform either the market or the economy or at least serve as a buffer against sharp capital depreciation during times of economic turmoil.

The start of the year is the tone setting mood for stock markets, and for Fisher Investments, the year did not miss out on a beat after the firm had to jump in to release an unusual press release. This press release countered a report by the Wall Street Journal that had stated that Ken Fisher's firm, over which he holds 100% control through a trust that he shares with his wife, was being sold to the Boston, Massachusetts based private equity firm Advent International. The WSJ was not the only publication that cited anonymous sources for its report, as Bloomberg also published a similar piece which outlined that Advent had had talks to  "acquire billionaire Ken Fisher's eponymous Fisher Investments, according to a person with knowledge of the matter" but also went on to quote Fisher Investment's response that bluntly denied any such speculation.

In fact Fisher's firm, which is quite widely covered in the press and is known for its founder's ability to generate buzz, was quite hard hitting its response. Its press release bluntly stated:

Fisher Investments is not being bought by Advent International, or anyone else—plain and simple.