January Top Undervalued Stocks

Companies with shares trading at a market price below what they are actually worth, such as CL Educate and Bannari Amman Sugars, are deemed undervalued. Investors can determine how much a company is worth based on how much money they are expected to make in the future, or compared to the value of their peers. The list I’ve put together below are of stocks that compare favourably on all criteria, which potentially makes them good investments if you believe the price should eventually reflect the stock’s actual value.

CL Educate Limited (BSE:540403)

CL Educate Limited engages in the education business. Started in 1996, and run by CEO Gautam Puri, the company size now stands at 376 people and has a market cap of INR ₹4.04B, putting it in the mid-cap group.

540403’s stock is currently floating at around -78% below its value of INR1295.33, at a price tag of INR285.05, based on my discounted cash flow model. This difference in price and value gives us a chance to buy low. Additionally, 540403’s PE ratio stands at 29.1x against its its consumer services peer level of 31.2x, meaning that relative to its comparable set of companies, 540403’s stock can be bought at a cheaper price. 540403 is also a financially robust company, with current assets covering liabilities in the near term and over the long run. Finally, its debt relative to equity is 10%, which has been reducing over time, showing 540403’s ability to reduce its debt obligations year on year. Interested in CL Educate? Find out more here.

BSE:540403 PE PEG Gauge Jan 16th 18
BSE:540403 PE PEG Gauge Jan 16th 18

Bannari Amman Sugars Limited (BSE:500041)

Bannari Amman Sugars Limited primarily produces and sells sugar in India. Started in 1983, and run by CEO B. Saravanan, the company size now stands at 1,880 people and has a market cap of INR ₹28.35B, putting it in the large-cap stocks category.

500041’s stock is now trading at -73% below its true value of INR8318.61, at the market price of INR2260.5, based on my discounted cash flow model. This price and value mismatch indicates a potential opportunity to buy the stock at a low price. Moreover, 500041’s PE ratio is currently around 21.3x while its food peer level trades at 24x, indicating that relative to its peers, we can invest in 500041 at a lower price. 500041 is also a financially robust company, with short-term assets covering liabilities in the near future as well as in the long run.

Interested in Bannari Amman Sugars? Find out more here.

BSE:500041 PE PEG Gauge Jan 16th 18
BSE:500041 PE PEG Gauge Jan 16th 18

Polyplex Corporation Limited (BSE:524051)

Polyplex Corporation Limited manufactures and sells thin and thick polyester (PET) films primarily for flexible packaging in India and internationally. Established in 1984, and currently lead by Pranay Kothari, the company provides employment to 1,830 people and with the company’s market capitalisation at INR ₹18.39B, we can put it in the large-cap category.