Jack Dorsey Says He Wants To Be Mayor Of New York

"60 Minutes" profiled Twitter and Square co-founder Jack Dorsey tonight.

Most of the segment focused on explaining how Square handles mobile payments, but we did get a nugget of news: Dorsey said he wants to be mayor of New York one day.

Dorsey didn't give a time frame; he only said he wants to move to New York one day and run for mayor. And he's serious about it. (New York will elect a new mayor in November.)

"What I love about New York is the electricity I feel right away ... it's chaos. It's kind of like being caught in a car during a thunderstorm," Dorsey said during the interview.

This isn't the first time Dorsey has said he wants to be New York's mayor. In a 2011 interview with Vanity Fair, Dorsey said being mayor would be his dream job. (Thanks to Seth Fiegerman for pointing that out to us.)

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