How a new financing model could fix America’s broken student loan system

In this Wednesday, May 17, 2017, file photo, graduating students fill the Columbia University campus during a graduation ceremony in New York. Having college debt disappear is something many student loan holders can only dream of. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File)
In this Wednesday, May 17, 2017, file photo, graduating students fill the Columbia University campus during a graduation ceremony in New York. Having college debt disappear is something many student loan holders can only dream of. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File)

Yahoo Finance reporter Brian Cheung contributed data to this article.

News reports of jaw-dropping scandals involving corruption and fraud in the admissions process of several elite schools are coming at a bad time for the higher education community. Academia was already playing defense in Washington against perceptions of favoritism in admissions practices and intolerance for diverse political views.

But perhaps most damaging has been widespread public concern over high college costs and the $1.4 trillion in taxpayer-backed debt students have racked up to pay for them.

Proposals have already been circulating Congress to tighten the student loan program and impose more accountability on colleges for poor student outcomes. And just last week, the Trump administration proposed new caps on student loans. Higher education’s value is being challenged as never before: Are colleges singularly focused on providing students with a good quality education, or is that secondary to maximizing tuition revenue and building networks of elite donors? We tend to think the former and that the vast majority of colleges put the interests of their students first.

Image source: David Foster/Yahoo Finance
Image source: David Foster/Yahoo Finance

An experimental new financing model

However, they need to acknowledge the status quo isn’t working. Instead of digging in and opposing such efforts, higher education should work collaboratively with Congress to fix our broken system of higher education finance. There are two core problems with that system: 1) it relies primarily on debt to finance college even though it is impossible to know the eventual repayment capacity of a young person just entering school; and 2) it creates misaligned economic incentives by placing all the financial risks on students, and ultimately taxpayers if the student defaults, while loan proceeds go to higher education institutions, who suffer no financial consequences if their students fail.

Fortunately, some innovative colleges, in partnership with private investors and a small number of philanthropies, are experimenting with a new financing model called “income share agreements” or “ISAs” which address these two core issues. With an ISA, instead of assuming a fixed debt obligation, students simply agree to pay an affordable percentage of their future income over a set time period, subject to an overall cap. High earners will have larger payments than low earners, but all will have an affordable payment, based on what they will actually be making. Importantly, when the college is providing some or all of the funding for the ISA, its return will be aligned with its students’ post-college earnings, giving it economic incentives to make sure its students both graduate and find jobs. The college is, literally, invested in its students’ success.