Huawei employees collaborated with Chinese military on research projects - Bloomberg

June 27 (Reuters) - Several Huawei Technologies Co employees have collaborated on at least 10 research projects with Chinese armed forces personnel over the past decade, Bloomberg reported on Thursday.

Huawei workers teamed with members of various organs of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) in projects spanning artificial intelligence to radio communications, Bloomberg said

"Huawei is not aware of its employees publishing research papers in their individual capacity,” spokesman Glenn Schloss told Bloomberg in a messaged statement.

“Huawei does not have any R&D collaboration or partnerships with the PLA-affiliated institutions,” he said. “Huawei only develops and produces communications products that conform to civil standards worldwide, and does not customise R&D products for the military.” (Reporting by Bhargav Acharya in Bengaluru; Editing by Muralikumar Anantharaman)
