Host SG Wins The Singapore Outstanding Enterprise Award 2013

Host SG has won the Singapore Outstanding Enterprise Award this year, making it their eighth award since the company began trading in 1997.

Singapore / January 3rd, 2014 / ACCESSWIRE / Web hosting is a market that has expanded and diversified rapidly, and staying on the cutting edge of service provision allows companies to secure their future, while allowing their clients to achieve the extraordinary in reaching customers through new markets and approaches. Host SG is one of Singapore’s leading web hosting providers and the company has been awarded the Singapore Outstanding Enterprise Award for 2013 thanks to their continual innovation, much of which can now be seen through the full spectrum of 21st century web services they provide.

The company’s hallmark is the use of Windows and Linux virtual private servers and dedicated servers to provide enterprise level web hosting ideal for multinational businesses with a hub in Singapore. However, they also provide business website hosting, domain name purchasing, and the latest cloud hosting technology to allow businesses to move effectively with the times.

Their signature 8 Tier-1 multi-homed network the best web hosting in Singapore, with the largest and fastest backbone capacity and coverage in both Asia and the United States, making it perfect for international traders. They also provide a 100% uptime guarantee to all customers and unbeatable customer service and consultation to identify the needs of the business and how they can most effectively be met.

A spokesperson for Host SG explained, “We now serve over 35,000 customers worldwide and are a respected market leader in managed hosting for the region. We are honoured to accept this award as recognition of the hard work we have done on behalf of these customers and for technological advancement in Singapore. We are proud that our company has been able to continue to excel year on year, and we accept this award with the promise that we will continue to strive for excellent in what we hope will be an equally outstanding 2014.”

About Host SG:
Since opening its doors in 1997, Host SG has been an ISO 9001:2008 hosting company committed to bringing the power of the internet to our customers across the globe with innovative and easy to use products that are supported by unmatched customer service. Host SG is a recognized leader in the Singapore managed hosting market and delivers enterprise-level managed services to businesses around the world.

Visit for more information.

Contact Info
Name: Gibson
Organization: Host SG
Phone: +65 6305 9999

