Hiding purchases or debts from a partner can break a relationship – or spice it up

If you have a credit card balance that you have never revealed to your partner, a secret savings account slush fund or a weakness for $20 chocolatinis, you may be committing financial infidelity.

Hiding debts and impulse buys from loved ones can break a relationship, according to several recent surveys and studies. Oddly enough, financial infidelity can also spice things up.

In a new survey by Edelman Financial Engines, 39% of married adults admitted that their partners didn’t know everything about their spending. For divorcees, the figure rose to 50%. The survey reached 2,022 adults.

Another poll found that roughly two-thirds of partnered adults hid purchases from their partners in the last year. The average secret spender concealed $475 in loot. That survey, by Circuit for Teams, reached 1,049 respondents.

A third report, from NerdWallet, found that one-third of Americans with credit card debt told no one what they owe. That survey covered more than 2,000 people.

Does 'financial infidelity' count as actual cheating?

The prevalence of financial infidelity poses a paradox. More than half of us think financial infidelity amounts to cheating, according to another survey, from The Motley Fool Ascent.

Yet, in the very same poll, roughly half of married adults admitted hiding purchases from their partners. The 2022 survey covered about 1,500 adults.

“It’s not just about hiding debt,” said Matt Frankel, a certified financial planner who writes for The Ascent. “It can also be lying about how much you’ve paid for a large purchase. If I buy a large TV and tell my wife it was on sale, and it wasn’t, that’s financial infidelity.”

Men are more likely to hide purchases than women, The Ascent found, by a margin of 56% to 43%.

“In my experience, women are more likely to hide prices,” Frankel said, meaning they may tell a partner they spent less money than they actually did.

Men hide spending on electronics, alcohol and gambling. Women hide clothing and cosmetics

Do men and women hide different kinds of purchases? Oh yeah. There’s not much overlap, Frankel said.

Men conceal pricey electronics buys and spending on alcohol and gambling. Women are most likely to hide purchases of clothing, cosmetics and gifts for people other than their partner, he said.

Surveys consistently find that younger people are more apt to keep financial secrets than older Americans.

Bankrate found that rates of financial infidelity decline by generation: 63% of Gen Zers and 54% of millennials reported keeping financial secrets, compared to 29% of Gen Xers and boomers. That survey queried 2,542 adults.