Here's what actors in the 'Game of Thrones' cast looked like in their awesome audition tapes

"Game of Thrones" fans are used to seeing the polished versions of their favorite characters, but during Friday's panel at Comic-Con, their humble beginnings were revealed.

This audition reel shows original footage of Gwendoline Christie (Brienne Tarth), Pedro Pascal (Oberyn Martell), Natalie Dorner (Margaery Tyrell), and many more. The video cleverly splices together the dialogue from the tapes with the final scenes from aired episodes.

One of the clips sheds a bit of humor on a generally dark character. Catrice van Houten, auditioning for Melisandre — the red priestess fond of burning people alive — stumbled a line before laughing and saying, "I f*cked up.

Melisandre Season 5
Melisandre Season 5

(HBO) van Houten successfully transformed into Melisandre

For others, like Gwendoline Christie, it's apparent why they were given the part. Christie was auditioning for Brienne of Tarth, a large and unfeminine highborn lady who chooses a life of vengeance and fighting.

Gwendoline Christie Brienne audition tape
Gwendoline Christie Brienne audition tape

Christie gives off the perfect vibe in this tape — confident, bitter, and ready to fight. You can tell from this production still below that she carried that same energy into her final performances.

Brienne of Tarth
Brienne of Tarth

There's tons and tons more in here, as well.

Watch the full audition reel below, you won't regret it.

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