GTT announces the launch of its employee shareholding plan

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GTT announces the launch of its employee shareholding plan

Paris – April 24, 2024. GTT announces its intention to launch its international employee shareholding plan. The operation, which will offer the opportunity to nearly 720 employees to become shareholders of the GTT group (hereinafter the “Group”), is being deployed in Germany, China, the United States, France, Iceland, Singapore and the United Kingdom.

The plan is offered within the framework of the French Group Savings Plan (“PEG”) and the International Group Savings Plan (“PEGI”) set up within the Group.

Shares will be subscribed through an employee shareholding fund (an "FCPE") or, in some countries, directly by employees.

The subscription price was set at 111.20 euros. This takes into account a 20% discount applied to the average closing price of the GTT shares on Euronext Paris over the 20 trading days preceding its fixing date.

Shares will be subject to a five-year lock-up period, except in exceptional cases of early exit authorized in the employee’s subscription country.


GTT S.A. (hereinafter the « Company »)
Registered office : 1 route de Versailles – 78470 Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse
Registered capital: 370,783.57 euros
RCS : 662 001 403
Euronext Paris (France)
ISIN code: FR0011726835


The shares will be subscribed as part of a capital increase reserved for members of Group company savings plans. This operation makes use of the 23rd resolution of the Combined General Meeting of 7 June 2023. On 27 November 2023, the Board of Directors decided on the principle of issuing ordinary shares for the benefit of employees who are members of the French Group Savings Plan or the International Group Savings Plan and decided on the main characteristics of the plan, in particular, setting the subscription ceiling at 55,618 shares (i.e. a maximum dilution rate of 0.15%).


- Beneficiaries of the share offering reserved for employees: the beneficiaries of the offering are (i) the employees, and the corporate officers under the conditions provided for in Article L. 3332-2 of the French Labour Code, of the companies within the scope of the offering who have joined the French Group Savings Plan or the International Group Savings Plan set up within the Group, as the case may be, regardless of the nature of their employment contract (fixed-term or open-ended, full-time or part-time) and having three months of seniority at the end of the subscription period and (ii) early retirees and retirees of French companies in the Group who have retained assets in the France group savings plan since leaving the Group.