Girls Who Code Founder to Ivanka Trump: ‘Don’t Use My Story’

Girls Who Code Founder to Ivanka Trump: 'Don't Use My Story'·Fortune

The founder and CEO of an organization devoted to teaching women how to code has attacked First Daughter Ivanka Trump for incorporating her personal anecdote into her new book, Women Who Work: Rewriting the Rules to Success.

“Don’t use my story in #WomenWhoWork unless you are going to stop being #complicit,” Reshmi Saujani, the founder and CEO of Girls Who Code, wrote on Twitter Tuesday, the day Trump’s book was released.

Trump uses Saujani, who was in politics before founding Girls Who Code, as an example of someone who successfully switched careers, writing about the way she was inspired to create opportunities for women in technology during a congressional campaign.

“It was during a run for Congress that Saujani became inspired to create the organization,” Trump writes. “In visiting local schools, she personally witnessed the gender gap in computing classes and set out to do something about it.”

In the book, which was written before her father was elected last November, Trump includes stories and quotes from several people who have criticized her father or his policies, including actress Cynthia Nixon, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, and New America President and CEO Anne-Marie Slaughter.

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