The gas pipeline hack shows just how much ransomware can disrupt our lives

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

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It’s been nearly a week since Colonial Pipeline was hit by a ransomware attack, taking out a critical gas pipeline that ferries gasoline, jet fuel, and diesel from Texas to New Jersey — and causing dire gas shortages spurred by panic buying.

According to the FBI, a criminal organization known as DarkSide launched the attack using ransomware, which encrypts victims’ files and promises the keys to unlock them in exchange for a ransom payment.

The Colonial Pipeline attack isn’t the first of its kind, but its scale is notable. The shutdown has sent the cost of gasoline soaring, with prices rising to their highest levels in nearly eight years, just when the economy is starting to recover from the coronavirus pandemic.

While Colonial Pipeline said Wednesday that it has begun the process of restarting its service to the East Coast, the crisis isn't over. It will still take 15 days for the first drops of gas to make their way from Texas to New Jersey, according to Bloomberg.

A sign reading
A sign reading "Out of Fuel" is taped to the window at an Exxon Gas Station on Boonsboro Road in Lynchburg, Va., Tuesday, May 11, 2021 (Kendall Warner/The News & Advance via AP) · ASSOCIATED PRESS

This is far from the last ransomware attack we’ll see, but it should be the one that spurs the Biden administration into serious action. President Joe Biden needs to make fighting the rise of ransomware his top cybersecurity priority, as attackers increasingly go after crucial infrastructure like pipelines and even hospitals.

“This is the kind of thing [that] definitely keeps me up at night,” Anton Dahbura, executive director of Johns Hopkins University’s Information Security Institute, told Yahoo Finance. “This should be one of our top priorities to really change the model for how critical systems are managed. And it really requires a coordinated significant effort to do that."

Experts want the government’s help

Cybersecurity researchers have pleaded with the government to stanch the spread of ransomware attacks for years. And as the scope of the attacks has grown, they have spread from a way to scam consumers to a means to attack entire hospital systems.

“This is something we've been talking about for literally 20 years,” Chris Painter, an affiliate of Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Cooperation, told Yahoo Finance. “We need to really treat this as a huge problem and not just say it's another kind of smaller, back burner issue.”

To be sure, Biden has taken cybersecurity more seriously than his predecessor. While former President Donald Trump eliminated the position of cybersecurity czar, Biden recently appointed 28-year National Security Agency veteran Chris Inglis to be the country’s first cyber director as he fills out his cybersecurity team.