FOIN Climbs 46% As Investors Gain Confidence - FOIN was trading at $1,545.23 by 04:31 (08:31 GMT) on the Synthetic exchange on Sunday, up 45.94% on the day. It was the largest one-day percentage gain since May 19.

The move upwards pushed FOIN's market cap up to $0.00, or 0.00% of the total cryptocurrency market cap. At its highest, FOIN's market cap was $0.00.

FOIN had traded in a range of $1,048.14 to $1,737.77 in the previous twenty-four hours.

Over the past seven days, FOIN has seen a rise in value, as it gained 2.76%. The volume of FOIN traded in the twenty-four hours to time of writing was $1.12M or 0.00% of the total volume of all cryptocurrencies. It has traded in a range of $860.6653 to $1,781.4327 in the past 7 days.

At its current price, FOIN is still down 90.19% from its all-time high of $15,759.33 set on March 18.

Elsewhere in cryptocurrency trading

Bitcoin was last at $7,920.0 on the Index, up 7.45% on the day.

Ethereum was trading at $253.63 on the Index, a gain of 6.84%.

Bitcoin's market cap was last at $140.71B or 56.75% of the total cryptocurrency market cap, while Ethereum's market cap totaled $26.97B or 10.88% of the total cryptocurrency market value.

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