First Time Ever Trial NFTs Appears on Blockchain Market

CEO Stephen Phan presents NFT Sneakers at Vietnam NFT Summit 2022

CEO Stephen Phan presents NFT Sneakers at Vietnam NFT Summit 2022
CEO Stephen Phan presents NFT Sneakers at Vietnam NFT Summit 2022

SINGAPORE, June 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On June 20, 2022, Calo Metaverse will officially release the Trial NFTs in the Calo Metaverse economy. Calo is proud to be the first project in the world to offer these limited “Trial” versions of NFTs.

Why does Calo Metaverse release Trial NFTs?

For experienced Crypto investors, Trial NFTs will help them have in-depth assessment of the in-game economy. Moreover, investors can base on Trial NFT's average FIT Token earned to calculate ROI when joining the application, thereby making more accurate decisions about investing in Calo's Original NFTs.

In today's market, the group of non-crypto customers still dominates. With almost zero understanding of Crypto, it is very difficult to reach this group. Mr. Tuan PHAN - Founder - CEO of Calo Metaverse commented that: “Trial NFTs is a breakthrough because Calo Metaverse expects it as the means of providing information and the most intuitive experience about "Make money from walking - jogging” for customers who are completely new players in the Blockchain field in Vietnam and around the world.”

CEO Stephen Phan presents NFT Sneakers at Vietnam NFT Summit 2022

How to own Trial NFTs of Calo Metaverse

Calo Metaverse will issue Trial NFTs in "Staking Calo Token - Earning Trial NFTs" events or give as a gift to customers in special events. Players can get NFTs and try to earn Tokens with almost no initial investment costs. Moreover, users can also participate in most of the important features on the App, except for features such as: Mining NFTs, Transfer, Sell/Buy.

As a "Moving Lifestyle" application that combines blockchain and Game-Fi, Calo's mission is to help the community develop physical activity habits and improve their own health. Trial NFTs is a breakthrough step that helps Calo quickly spread a positive message about lifestyle combined with health exercise to all consumers around the world.

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