Your Fiercest Enemy? Routine

Originally published by Bruce Kasanoff on LinkedIn: Your Fiercest Enemy? Routine

If you believe Sylvester Stallone, life's greatest challenges come when you are in a high-profile battle for glory. But Apollo Creed is a wimp compared to the toughest opponent you will ever face: Routine

The odds are pretty good that this week you will have to face at least one of these:

  • long commute

  • boring meetings

  • filthy diapers

  • petty arguments

  • dull evening

That's Routine at work. It has no real power or intelligence. But it never quits.

Make no mistake, Routine has grit. Routine lives to fight another day. Routine never, ever stops trying to reduce you to merely average.

Routine has grit. Do you?

Some say - I'm often one of these people - that the beauty of life is in appreciating each day.

Others will argue that for many of us, Routine is a blessing. We have food, shelter, education, entertainment, and access to pretty much everything we need.

Yes, but... no matter what you do in life, Routine will show up. If you make a billion dollars, become CEO, or cure heart disease... you will still have to wrestle with Routine.

Routine is also what causes us to gain weight, lose muscle, and lose steam. It chips away at grand dreams. It can lead to complacency.

Just because Routine has grit doesn't mean that you can't exhibit even more grit.

When Routine drags energy out of you, take a few breaths and summon more energy.

When Routine leads you towards negative habits, look Routine in the eye and introduce him to yet another of your positive habits.

When Routine makes you angry or lethargic or depressed, have a few tricks in your bag that will once again lift your spirits.

There's no one secret to defeating Routine. It takes constant vigilance, a healthy dose of humor and inspiration, and immense amounts of resilience.

Bruce Kasanoff helps professionals like you find the right words to advance your career. Learn more at