Falling footfall and squeezed margins knocked retailers in run-up to Christmas

Retailers suffered over Christmas as margins were squeezed amid declining footfall  - PA
Retailers suffered over Christmas as margins were squeezed amid declining footfall - PA

Retailers suffered in the run-up to Christmas as shoppers steered clear of the high street and margins were squeezed by higher costs, Black Friday discounts and online shopping.

Total footfall dropped 3.5pc in ­December compared with last year, the biggest fall since March 2013, according to figures from the British Retail Consortium and retail analysts Springboard, with high streets and shopping centres the hardest hit.

Separate research by The Retail Think Tank, which is owned by ­accounting giant KPMG and research firm Ipsos Retail Performance, said the sector’s ­financial health in the so-called “Golden Quarter” fell for the first time since 2012 owing to the “worsening” economic climate, fragile consumer confidence and tighter margins affecting non-food retailers in particular.

BRC chief executive Helen Dickinson said falling footfall reflected squeezed incomes and a move towards e-commerce. She said: “Households had to use their money more carefully, researching products online, rather than heading out to stores to browse.

“Retail parks fared slightly better than high streets by providing Christmas shoppers with the draw and convenience of parking, easy click-and-collect, and leisure facilities.”

The RTT said heavy discounting and more online sales, leading to higher ­logistics costs, harmed retailers’ profitability in the three-month period that is normally the sector’s strongest.

RTT member Jonathan De Mello, of analysts Harper Dennis Hobbs, said: “Demand driven by promotion has kept retailers busy, but with margins squeezed so tight, the benefit of the extra sales will not have had the desired, or required, impact.”
