Jan 5 (Reuters) - The following table shows rates for Asian
currencies against the dollar at 0133 GMT.
Change on the day at 0133 GMT
Currency Latest bid Previous Pct
day Move
Japan yen 116.65 117.25 +0.51
Sing dlr 1.4389 1.4390 +0.01
Taiwan dlr 32.100 32.260 +0.50
Korean won 1194.30 1206.40 +1.01
Baht 35.80 35.81 +0.02
Peso 49.600 49.650 +0.10
Rupiah 13375 13435 +0.45
Rupee 68.05 68.05 +0.01
Ringgit 4.4870 4.4960 +0.20
Yuan 6.9256 6.9306 +0.07
Change so far
in 2017
Currency Latest bid End prev Pct
year Move
Japan yen 116.65 117.07 +0.36
Sing dlr 1.4389 1.4490 +0.70
Taiwan dlr 32.100 32.279 +0.56
Korean won 1194.30 1207.70 +1.12
Baht 35.80 35.80 +0.00
Peso 49.60 49.72 +0.24
Rupiah 13375 13470 +0.71
Rupee 68.05 67.92 -0.18
Ringgit 4.4870 4.4845 -0.06
Yuan 6.9256 6.9467 +0.30
(Reporting by Masayuki Kitano in SINGAPORE; Editing by
Subhranshu Sahu)