Early Uber investor Shervin Pishevar has been ranting for 21 hours in one tweet storm but it's unclear what the point is

Shervin Pishevar
Shervin Pishevar

Tech Crunch/Flickr

  • Early Uber investor Shervin Pishevar went on an elaborate Twitter rant this week predicting the decline of the US economy. 

  • It's the first major public statement from Pishevar, who founded Sherpa Capital, since mid-December when he left the company following multiple allegations of sexual misconduct. 

  • Among his predictions: Bitcoin will drop to $2,000-$5,000 but slowly rise again.  

Shervin Pishevar has long been a man of many words, so it's no surprise that the venture capitalist and Uber investor went on an 50-message Tweet storm this week. 

But something was a little different on Tuesday when the founder of Sherpa Capital, who stepped down in December following multiple allegations of sexual misconduct (including rape), continued his two-day extravaganza, which touched on every topic from bonds and bitcoin, to immigration and SpaceX.  

Pishevar's latest diatribe is difficult to parse. He started off with a promise to explain the "financial storm" he sees coming, which includes a 6,000 point drop in the stock market over the next few months. He took a break for dinner, and then moved onto the death of Silicon Valley. 

But, beyond its 21-hour lifespan, the storm is significant because Pishevar has been more or less out of the limelight since Dec. 14, when he posted a resignation letter on Twitter explaining that sexual harassment allegations were getting in the way of the Sherpa Capital's success.

"My truculent opponents are out to settle scores that have nothing to do with Sherpa, and I refuse to allow my enemies to drag my Sherpa family into their fight with me," Pishevar wrote. 

It's unclear why Pishevar decided to come back, or whether this return has any connection to yesterday's news that he had dropped a lawsuit accusing a company called Definers Public Affairs of running a smear campaign against him. 

Motivations aside Pishevar paints a dim picture for the future of the US economy. Here are a few of his key predictions:

The markets will drop 6,000 points

Tweet Embed:
1/ Some thoughts on financial storms I seeing brewing ahead. I expect 6000 point drop in aggregate in months ahead. Here's why.

Volatility in bonds will ripple through the rest of the markets

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19/Bond market will be 1st to attempt to rally+it will try to carry equities market, but it'll continue to fail b/c genie is out of bottle

The bitcoin crash isn't over

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24/ Gold will rise in response. Bitcoin will continue to crash but stabilize at 2-5k range and begin a more stable rise over next 24 mo's

California's stronghold on tech innovation and culture is over

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27/ As I've said before Silicon Valley is it longer a physical place but an idea that's gone viral. Entrepreneurship is a movement. Bordless

The US will lose to countries like China, especially when it comes to infrastructure...

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34/ Meanwhile, our infrastructure is in tatters, decrypt and decaying. Our government and companies are are trapped in short term thinking.

...unless you're Elon Musk 

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35/ Moonshot like SpaceX + Virgin Hyperloop One rise but they suffer derision until teams will it to reality. Exceptions to rule.

With few US-based startups, the biggest companies will continue to hold too much power

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43/ Just like Ma Bell, these 5 giants have too much power, stifling startups. Uber might be the last giant to eke out before it was too late


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See Also:

SEE ALSO: Here are annotations to decode everything in Shervin Pishevar's epic Uber diatribe
