In This Article:
Release Date: February 05, 2025
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
Positive Points
Douglas Emmett Inc (NYSE:DEI) has made significant progress on key growth initiatives, including the acquisition of a new office property and residential development site in Westwood.
The company has maintained stable office rental rates and good control over operating expenses despite challenges.
Douglas Emmett Inc (NYSE:DEI) achieved positive absorption in the second half of 2024, excluding the Warner Brothers move-out.
The company is optimistic about achieving positive absorption in 2025 due to a rebound in demand from larger office tenants.
Douglas Emmett Inc (NYSE:DEI) has a strong development pipeline, which is expected to provide long-term growth opportunities.
Negative Points
The departure of Warner Brothers and lower office occupancy negatively impacted 2024 revenues and funds from operations (FFO).
Higher interest rates have increased the company's interest expenses, affecting financial performance.
Douglas Emmett Inc (NYSE:DEI) reported a 5.5% decrease in revenue compared to the fourth quarter of 2023.
The company's guidance for 2025 indicates a potential net income loss per common share, with FFO expected to be lower than previous years.
There is uncertainty regarding potential rent freezes or eviction moratoriums, which could impact the company's rental income.
Q & A Highlights
Q: What is the likelihood of rent freezes or eviction moratoriums being implemented, and how might they impact Douglas Emmett's operations? A: Jordan Kaplan, President and CEO, expressed hope that rent freezes would not be implemented, as they have not been beneficial for rental housing production. He is optimistic that the Coastal Commission will not interfere with redevelopment efforts, given the governor's clear directives and the city's support for fast-tracking reconstruction.
Q: How does Douglas Emmett plan to achieve positive absorption in 2025 despite the current occupancy guidance? A: Jordan Kaplan, President and CEO, explained that while occupancy is a range, leasing activities have a lag time. He is hopeful for positive absorption due to increased leasing activities and a rebound in demand from larger office tenants, which should eventually lead to higher occupancy.
Q: Can you provide insights into the leasing volume assumed in the 2025 guidance compared to last year? A: Jordan Kaplan, President and CEO, noted that leasing activities slowed down at the end of last year but have picked up significantly in January. With historically low lease expirations and a strong pipeline, he is optimistic about achieving positive absorption in 2025.