Donald Trump flees stage after someone shouts gun; no weapon found

John Locher | AP·CNBC

Donald Trump was rushed off stage by Secret Service officers on Saturday during a Nevada speech because of a disturbance in the crowd.

The U.S. Secret Service released the following statement: "This evening at approximately 9:05pm (EST), at a Presidential Nominee Trump rally in Reno, Nevada, Mr. Trump was removed from the stage by his Secret Service protective detail after a commotion occurred in the crowd. Immediately in front of the stage, an unidentified individual shouted 'gun.' Secret Service agents and Reno Police Officers immediately apprehended the subject. Upon a thorough search of the subject and the surrounding area, no weapon was found."

The Secret Service said it is conducting a "thorough investigation" along with the Reno police.

"I would like to thank the United States Secret Service and the law enforcement resources in Reno and the state of Nevada for their fast and professional response," Trump said in a statement. Trump returned to the stage seven minutes after being escorted off, said NBC News.

Authorities escorted a white man in a jacket away from the crowd after the disturbance, according to a report from NBC News. That person appeared to be handcuffed.

Trump and one of his sons responded to the incident on Twitter:

— NBC News contributed to this report.
