AVEVA Group plc’s (LSE:AVV) most recent return on equity was a substandard 11.03% relative to its industry performance of 12.79% over the past year. Though AVV’s recent performance is underwhelming, it is useful to understand what ROE is made up of and how it should be interpreted. Knowing these components can change your views on AVV’s below-average returns. I will take you through how metrics such as financial leverage impact ROE which may affect the overall sustainability of AVV’s returns. See our latest analysis for AVEVA Group
Peeling the layers of ROE – trisecting a company’s profitability
Firstly, Return on Equity, or ROE, is simply the percentage of last years’ earning against the book value of shareholders’ equity. An ROE of 11.03% implies £0.11 returned on every £1 invested. Generally speaking, a higher ROE is preferred; however, there are other factors we must also consider before making any conclusions.
Return on Equity = Net Profit ÷ Shareholders Equity
ROE is assessed against cost of equity, which is measured using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) – but let’s not dive into the details of that today. For now, let’s just look at the cost of equity number for AVEVA Group, which is 8.30%. While AVEVA Group’s peers may have higher ROE, it may also incur higher cost of equity. An undesirable and unsustainable practice would be if returns exceeded cost. However, this is not the case for AVEVA Group which is encouraging. ROE can be split up into three useful ratios: net profit margin, asset turnover, and financial leverage. This is called the Dupont Formula:
Dupont Formula
ROE = profit margin × asset turnover × financial leverage
ROE = (annual net profit ÷ sales) × (sales ÷ assets) × (assets ÷ shareholders’ equity)
ROE = annual net profit ÷ shareholders’ equity
Essentially, profit margin shows how much money the company makes after paying for all its expenses. The other component, asset turnover, illustrates how much revenue AVEVA Group can make from its asset base. The most interesting ratio, and reflective of sustainability of its ROE, is financial leverage. Since financial leverage can artificially inflate ROE, we need to look at how much debt AVEVA Group currently has. Currently, AVEVA Group has no debt which means its returns are driven purely by equity capital. This could explain why AVEVA Group’s’ ROE is lower than its industry peers, most of which may have some degree of debt in its business.
What this means for you:
Are you a shareholder? While AVV exhibits a weak ROE against its peers, its returns are sufficient enough to cover its cost of equity, which means its generating value for shareholders. Since its high ROE is not likely driven by high debt, it might be a good time to top up on your current holdings if your fundamental research reaffirms this analysis. If you’re looking for new ideas for high-returning stocks, you should take a look at our free platform to see the list of stocks with Return on Equity over 20%.