In This Article:
Authorised by the combined General Meeting dated 14 May 2024
This description is drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Articles 241-1 and 241-2 I of the General Regulation of the French Financial Markets Authority (Autorité des marchés financiers).
Date of the General Meeting called to authorise the share buyback programme
The authorisation for the Company to buy its own shares was approved at the combined General Shareholders' Meeting dated 14 May 2024.
Breakdown by objective of the securities held
As at 10 May 2024, Ayvens held 979,822 of its own shares, representing 0.1% of its share capital. The allocation of the shares is as follows:
Cancellation: 0
Allocation to employees and executive officers: 839,734
Exercise of rights attached to securities: 0
Liquidity agreement: 140,088
External growth: 0
Implement market practices: 0
Purposes of the share buyback programme
Ayvens has received authorisations to purchase its own shares, to:
a. cancel them, pursuant to the 18th resolution of the General Shareholders' Meeting held on 24 May 2023;
b. allocate, cover and honour any free shares or employee savings plans and any type of allocation for the benefit of employees or corporate officers of the Company or affiliated companies under the terms and conditions stipulated or permitted by French or foreign law, particularly in the context of participation in the results of the expansion of the Company, the granting of free shares, any employee shareholding plans as well as completing any related transactions to cover the aforementioned employee shareholding plans;
c. provide shares upon the exercise of rights attached to securities giving access to the share capital of the Company;
d. market making activities under a liquidity contract, signed with an investment services provider, in compliance with the market practices permitted by the AMF (“l’Autorité des marchés financiers”);
e. retain and later tender as part of the Group's external growth transactions;
f. implement any market practice that may become recognised by law or by the AMF.
Maximum amount allocated to the share buyback programme, maximum number and characteristics of the securities, maximum purchase price