Rating reinforces DentaQuest’s commitment to LGBTQ+ workplace equality
Boston, MA, Jan. 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DentaQuest, the leading oral health care company managing dental and vision benefits for more than 33 million Americans, has received a score of 95 out of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s 2022 Corporate Equality Index (HRC CEI). Known as the nation’s leading benchmarking survey and report objectively measuring corporate policies and practices related to LGBTQ+ workplace equality, the index ranks more than 1,000 major U.S. businesses.
The CEI survey assesses for detailed criteria under four pillars:
Non-discrimination policies across business entities
Equitable benefits for LGBTQ+ workers and their families
Supporting an inclusive culture
Corporate social responsibility
Through its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts, DentaQuest met the full criteria in the areas of non-discrimination policies, supporting an inclusive culture and corporate social responsibility. DentaQuest works to enable an inclusive workplace through education, events, and resources on LGBTQ+ issues and topics. DentaQuest is also a sponsor of Out & Equal, the premier organization working exclusively on LGBTQ+ workplace equality. And the DentaQuest Employee Resource Group UNITY, which aims to foster allyship and awareness with LGBTQIA internal and external stakeholders, maintains strong engagement.
“We are very proud to have scored 95 out of 100 in our first year participating in the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index,” said Steve Pollock, president and CEO of DentaQuest. “DentaQuest is intentional about reflecting DEI in our everyday culture — leveraging our many differences to uncover opportunity, improve communication and ultimately help us achieve our mission. Inclusivity and ensuring everyone feels welcome is a core value at DentaQuest, and we will continue our efforts to ensure an equitable workplace for our LGBTQ+ colleagues.”
Together, participating employers provide these crucial protections to more than 20 million U.S. workers and an additional 18 million abroad. This year’s CEI reflects growth across every measurement category, from the adoption of inclusive non-discrimination policies to equitable health care benefits. DentaQuest, for example, has added transgender-inclusive benefits to all employee health plan options.
“When the Human Rights Campaign Foundation created the Corporate Equality Index 20 years ago, we dreamed that LGBTQ+ workers — from the factory floor to corporate headquarters, in big cities and small towns — could have access to the policies and benefits needed to thrive and live life authentically,” said Jay Brown, Human Rights Campaign senior vice president of programs, research and training. “We are proud that the Corporate Equality Index paved the way to that reality for countless LGBTQ+ workers in America and abroad. But there is still more to do, which is why we are raising the bar yet again to create more equitable workplaces and a better tomorrow for LGBTQ+ workers everywhere.”
The full report is available online at www.hrc.org/cei.