In defense of the Fed and its mission to ensure financial stability | Cumberland Comment
David Kotok is chairman of the board and chief investment officer of Cumberland Advisors in Sarasota.
David Kotok is chairman of the board and chief investment officer of Cumberland Advisors in Sarasota.

I’m extracting two thoughts from a newsletter that I receive every Saturday. The newsletter writer is a longtime friend.

· Item #1. “Cue the Churchill quote: ‘You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they have tried everything else.”’

· Item #2. "But meanwhile, as we try everything else, things get worse. The Federal Reserve is a case in point. In 1913, after decades of severe banking and financial crises, it was decided we should have a central bank led by a panel of eminent, nonpolitical experts. That sentiment wasn’t wrong – giving control of the money supply to Congress would have had its own problems."

Let’s start with item #1 because it is fun. I invoked the quotation commonly attributed to Churchill many years ago and ended up in communication with the chief archivist of the Churchill Archives Centre, who told me that “Churchill never said it.” He explained that Churchill was very supportive of all that America did to assist Britain during the WWII period. He noted that Churchill was very sensitive to diplomacy and wouldn’t think of making such an utterance. It was one of the nicest admonishments I have ever received.

I have thoroughly searched for an attribution of this quote and cannot find an authenticated source. Churchill may have thought it, but he didn’t utter these words. Internet searches and generative AI will cite this quote repeatedly and attribute it to Churchill. They will be wrong. Just ask the Churchill Archives Centre if you wish to verify what I have just asserted.

Please note that Churchill did say something like, “Democracy is the worst system of government except for all the others,” but he didn’t originate the phrase. He rose in the House of Commons in 1947 to introduce this notion in a speech, and his exact words were, “It has been said that …” and then he recited “democracy is the worst system of government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” The written records of the House of Commons confirm the precise text. In my opinion, history, his writings and his speeches demonstrate that Winston Churchill was a precise orator and so, we must be respectfully and scrupulously careful about attributions.

Let’s move to item #2, the Federal Reserve System. Here I want to argue the positive case and write this essay in favor of the Fed, which is now 110 years old.

The Fed was formed after the banking crisis of 1907 and after a small group of New York bankers led by J.P. Morgan determined to avoid a repetition of the 1907 events. This history has been recounted many times and includes the secret meeting in Jekyll Island, Georgia, where a small group, not including Morgan but inspired by him, met to plan out the new central bank of the United States. The group later became known as the “First Name Club” because they used their first names to disguise their identities while traveling by train from New York to Georgia. They each traveled to the train separately, then departed from Hoboken, N.J.