This Company Found A Unique Way To Protect The Disabled From Amputee Fetishists

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Paralympic games, amputee, track and field, race


A company called AnchorFree makes a product called HotSpot Shield, and it's incredibly handy for members of particularly fetishized groups (like amputees) who want to protect themselves online.

HotSpot Shield blocks your true IP address and protects you from malware in the process. Hiding your IP means no one can find out where you're located.

This makes it great for those who want to tread the waters of online dating cautiously – the weirdos can't track you down in the real world if you use HotSpot Shield.

Even if your reason for hiding your location is the classic "where I live is none of your business" reason – AnchorFree is down to help you out. They already do so for 150 million customers, and are adding about 250,000 new customers every day.

Many of AnchorFree's customers are members of particularly fetishized groups who want to make sure their privacy stays their own. This niche list of customers even includes amputees – they want to take extra precaution if they don't want to become someone's fetish object.

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