CLOs: Uncover Opportunity Beyond AAAs

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By William Sokol
Senior Product Manager

An approach that looks beyond AAA CLOs may offer investors exposure to enhanced yield potential and relative value opportunities from a broader investment universe.

Collateralized loan obligations (CLOs), which are securitized pools of leveraged loans, may provide several attractive benefits within an income-oriented portfolio, including enhanced yields, structural risk protections and diversification. We believe CLOs are particularly attractive in today’s rising rate environment. They pay floating rate coupons that adjust upwards as rates increase and, unlike fixed coupon bonds, won’t suffer price declines as a result of higher rates.

The AAA tranche of a CLO typically comprises more than 60% of a CLO and therefore makes up the largest segment of the CLO market. However, we believe an approach beyond AAA CLOs can allow investors to benefit from enhanced yield potential and capture relative value opportunities from a broader investment universe, while maintaining a high quality, investment grade exposure.

As shown below, there is a wide dispersion of risk/return profiles among investment grade CLOs, with AAA rated bonds providing the lowest risk, but also the lowest return historically. Moving into AA and A rated CLOs may provide compelling opportunities. For example, AA rated CLOs have provided significantly higher returns than “core” U.S. bonds without significantly higher risk. They’ve also provided similar returns as leveraged loans with lower risk. This is notable because of both the floating rate nature of these asset classes, as well as the stark difference in credit quality (leveraged loans are typically rated BB and below and an investor in a loan fund has direct exposure to these borrowers). Single A CLOs have provided similar returns to high yield bonds with significantly lower volatility, and significantly higher returns than investment grade corporate bonds with similar volatility.

Attractive Risk-Adjusted Returns vs. Other Asset Classes

(10 Years as of 6/30/2022)

Attractive Risk-Adjusted Returns vs. Other Asset Classes
Attractive Risk-Adjusted Returns vs. Other Asset Classes

Source: Morningstar. CLOs represented by J.P. Morgan CLO Index; AAA Rated CLOs represented by J.P. Morgan CLO AAA Index, AA Rated CLOs represented by J.P. Morgan CLO AA Index, A Rated CLOs represented by J.P. Morgan CLO A Index, BBB Rated CLOs represented by J.P. Morgan CLO BBB Index, BB Rated CLOs represented by J.P. Morgan CLO BB Index, US IG represented by ICE BofA US Corporate Index, US HY represented by ICE BofA US High Yield Index, Agg is represented by the ICE BofA US Broad Market, US IG FRNs represented by MVIS US Investment Grade Floating Rate Note Index, Leveraged Loans represented by S&P/LSTA Leveraged Loan 100 Index. See index descriptions at the end of this presentation. Past performance is not indicative of future results. This is not an offer to buy or sell, or recommendation to buy or sell any of the securities mentioned herein.