Chelsea Clinton displays a side of her mother never seen before

Chelsea Clinton displays a side of her mother never seen before·CNBC

PHILADELPHIA – Chelsea Clinton showed a side of her mother that had been unknown to many Americans — a soft and gentle Hillary Clinton.

"Every day I spend as a mother, I think of my own thoughtful hilarious mother," Chelsea Clinton said Thursday night in a speech introducing Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National Convention. "Every single memory I have on my mom is that, regardless of what was happening in her life, she was always there for me."

"As a kid, I was obsessed with dinosaurs, and the day my parents took me to the dinosaur national park I didn't think life could get any better," she said. "Whenever my mom was gone for work … she left me notes every day with a date on the front of each one. When she went to France to learn about their child-care system, one was about the Eiffel Tower, one was about what she wanted to bring back to the kids of Arkansas."

Chelsea Clinton also shared some of the Democratic presidential nominee's struggles, particularly when a bill aiming at providing universal health care failed in 1994.

"She fought her heart out and she lost," the former first daughter said. "At 14-years-old, it was tough to watch."

But Clinton also told the capacity crowd at the Wells Fargo Center how her mother bounced back. "It's because she never, ever, forgets who she's fighting for."

Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state, U.S. senator from New York and was the first lady before making history on Thursday, as she became the first woman to officially accept the presidential nomination of a major U.S. party.

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