Ceasefire begins in Islamic State pocket at Syria-Lebanon border - Hezbollah's al-Manar TV

BEIRUT, Aug 27 (Reuters) - Hezbollah and the Syrian army announced a ceasefire on Sunday in their offensive against Islamic State in Syria's west Qalamoun region at the border with Lebanon, Hezbollah's al-Manar TV said.

A Hezbollah military media unit said the ceasefire took effect at 7 a.m. (0400 GMT) "under a full agreement to end the battle in west Qalamoun against Daesh".

The Lebanese army announced a ceasefire earlier on Sunday on its side of the border, where it has been waging an assault against Islamic State militants from inside northeast Lebanon.

The Islamic State enclave straddling the border is the last part of the Syrian-Lebanese frontier under militant control. (Reporting by Ellen Francis; Editing by Michael Perry)
