BWR Exploration Inc. Provides Update on Little Stull Lake Gold Project NE Manitoba

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BWR Exploration Inc.
BWR Exploration Inc.


  • Manitoba Mineral Development Fund (“MMDF”) releases final instalment of $100,000 to BWR.

  • Manto Sipi Cree Nation (“MSCN”) Chief and Council provided clearance to BWR to commence an environment focused site visit to BWR’s Little Stull Lake exploration camp.

  • MSCN advise that they are in process of a referendum to determine whether there is a majority of registered citizens authorizing Chief and Council to commence negotiations with BWR regarding exploration within their Ancestral Land at Little Stull Lake.

TORONTO, March 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BWR Exploration Inc. (the “Company” or “BWR”) (TSX.V: BWR) is pleased to announce that the final tranche of funding as outlined in the “Contribution Agreement” dated October 25, 2021 and amended March 24, 2023 with MMDF Corporation has been released; to date BWR has received $300,000 grant from the Manitoba Mineral Development Fund (“MMDF”), details of which were previously announced on January 7, 2021. MMDF required that as per the Contribution Agreement, BWR must submit a final report on the use of the MMDF grant by the end of 2023, this report was completed and submitted in early January, the final $5,000 holdback (pending release of the report) was released to BWR on February 7, 2023.

Fall 2023 Site Visit: With specific reference to use of funds from the third tranche, BWR received clearance from Manto Sipi Cree Nation (“MSCN”) to engage an independent environmental consulting group to participate in an environment focused site visit to BWR’s exploration camp located at Little Stull Lake in Northeastern Manitoba, within MSCN Ancestral Land. The purpose of the site visit was to have representatives of MSCN witness an independent review and provide eco-guidance with a recommended course of action on a previously identified environmental concern, where low levels of hydrocarbon in soil was detected and reported in a small area within BWR’s general permit camp site. BWR retained Pinchin Ltd., an environmental consulting firm with offices in Winnipeg, to peer review the 2021 and 2022 Soil Report(s) completed and prepared by BWR, with the purpose of developing an all-encompassing delineation and remediation plan for the affected area. On October 19, 2023, Pinchin provided onsite guidance and made the recommendation to complete a soil sampling program surrounding and including the area previously identified by BWR, to confirm and further delineate the nature and scope of the environmental issue.

The sampling program was completed between October 22 and October 26, 2023, as witnessed by a representative of MSCN. Samples were systematically selected by Pinchin and submitted to Bureau Veritas Laboratories (BV Labs) in Winnipeg, Manitoba for analysis. BV Labs is an independent laboratory accredited by the Standards Council of Canada and the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation. Pinchin further agreed to propose (if engaged to do so) a go-forward environmental monitoring program for the early-stage exploration program that BWR is proposing on its Little Stull Lake project. The results of the Pinchin site visit were reviewed and incorporated into a project conclusion report that was submitted to MMDF, thus completing the file as outlined in the Contribution Agreement as well as the environmental site visit clearance permission by MSCN Chief and Council in their letter of support dated September 14, 2023. BWR has agreed to share this final MMDF funded report with MSCN in due course.