Better Beard Club, Where Guys Can Create their Own Custom Beard Care Packages, Officially Launches their Website

The Custom Packages will be Delivered to Dudes' Doorsteps Every Month

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / March 9, 2017 / The founders of Better Beard Club, a company that is devoted to helping guys have the most amazing beards imaginable, are pleased to announce the launch of their new and user-friendly website.

To learn more about Better Beard Club and check out the new easy-to-navigate site, please visit at any time.

As a company spokesperson noted, the founders of the Better Beard Club understand a couple of key things: first, that men want and deserve to have beards that look healthy and great, and second, that guys like making their own decisions.

This knowledge inspired them to launch the Better Beard Club, where men can hand select exactly which beard products they want, get them delivered right to their home, and use them to get a thicker and fuller beard.

Better Beard Club offers a "Build Your Own Package" option that includes options like Beard Fuel, grooming tools, Beard Boost products, and more.

"Whether you're a first time beard grower or a seasoned follicle farmer, you can pick the package that's right for you," the spokesperson said, adding that Better Beard Club is devoted to providing their customers with terrific products that allow them to grow the beard they have always wanted.

"We know the importance of proper beard grooming and have curated products to make you look your best."

One of the products that guys can add to their Better Beard Club package is called Beard Boost's Beard Supplement. The natural product contains vitamin A, which the spokesperson said may help reduce the amount of facial oils that can clog oil glands. The supplement also includes vitamin E, which can help naturally nourish and hydrate the skin, nails and hair.

Beard Boost's Beard Supplement can also provide guys with anti-oxidant support that combats free radical damage. As the spokesperson noted, regular use of the Beard Supplement, along with their usual skin and hair care routine, may help men experience less hair loss, prevent expression lines and strengthen the nail matrix.

In addition to Beard Boost's Beard Supplement, customers may also select from products like Testo-Boost, a beard brush/comb combo and a downloadable E-book called, "The Ultimate Beard Care Guide."

About Better Beard Club:

Better Beard Club lets men hand-select the beard care products that they want, which will then be delivered to their home every month. For more information about Better Beard Club, please visit the company website:


Lucas Wallace
(949) 555-2861

SOURCE: Better Beard Club
