The Bengtson Center Announces a June 1 Re-Opening

Dr. Brad Bengtson, Dr. David Alfonso, and the Grand Rapids team outline a gradual re-opening strategy for summer 2020

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., July 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Bengtson Center for Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery is welcoming patients again after the long and often difficult journey the community has faced since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak. As businesses and communities across the state of Michigan begin to re-open up to the public, the Bengtson Center team wishes to thank everyone for their continued patience and is happy to look ahead to the “new normal.” As of Monday, June 1, the practice has opened its doors again to welcome women and men seeking non-surgical beauty treatments and plastic surgery in the Michigan area following the nationwide lockdowns. However, keeping both staff members and guests safe remains the top priority during this time of transition. As such, hygiene and physical distancing measures will continue.

The practice, which provides an extensive range of procedures for the face, body, and skin, has outlined additional protocols taken in an effort to reduce the risk of exposure as services resume.

As a precaution, the Bengtson Center is ensuring that team members have tested negative for coronavirus before they are allowed to return to the office. The entire practices is also adhering to CDC guidelines on providing daily health checks for staff and will proceed with monthly screenings. Staff will be wearing personal protective gear, and rooms will be sanitized and disinfected extensively after each session.

Patients can also expect post-pandemic changes to in-person appointments with new guidelines in place. All visitors to the practice are asked to wear a mask when entering the physical premises and to enter alone to limit the number of people in the building at any given time. It’s recommended that patients plan to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of their appointment to have their temperature checked and fill out a COVID-19 questionnaire.

Organizing ahead of time is essential. The team understands that the past few months have been uncertain, and many visits have had to be postponed; they are ready to help everyone put together a clear plan for moving forward. Telemedicine and virtual consultations will also be available when possible.

Want to find out more about the Bengtson Center’s safety measures and what to expect from appointments? Call The Bengtson Center for Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery at 616.588.8880, send an email to, or write a message online.
