BANKFIRST CAPITAL CORPORATION Enters into ECIP Securities Purchase Option Agreement

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COLUMBUS, Miss., Jan. 22, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- BankFirst Capital Corporation (OTCQX: BFCC) ("BankFirst" or the "Company"), parent company of BankFirst Financial Services, Macon, Mississippi (the "Bank"), today announced that it has entered into an ECIP Securities Purchase Option Agreement (the "Option Agreement") with the United States Department of the Treasury ("Treasury").

Treasury is currently the record and beneficial owner of all 218,585 shares of the Company's Senior Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series ECIP, no par value (the "Preferred Stock"), 175,000 of which were issued by the Company pursuant to the Treasury's Emergency Capital Investment Program ("ECIP") on April 26, 2022 (the "Original Closing Date"), and 43,585 of which were issued by the Company to Treasury on September 19, 2023, following the Company's acquisition of another ECIP participant, Mechanics Banc Holding Company, on January 1, 2023. Established by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, the ECIP was created to encourage Community Development Financial Institutions, such as the Bank, and minority depository institutions to augment their efforts to support small and minority-owned businesses and consumers in low-income and underserved communities. For more information on the ECIP, please visit Treasury's website regarding ECIP available at:

Pursuant to the Option Agreement, Treasury granted the Company an option to purchase all of the Preferred Stock during the "Option Period," which is the first fifteen years following the Original Closing Date. The purchase price for the Preferred Stock pursuant to the purchase option is determined based on a formula equal to the present value of the Preferred Stock, calculated as set forth in the Option Agreement, together with any accrued and unpaid dividends thereon, as of the closing date. Subject to variations in interest rates and the equity risk premium, which are components included in the purchase price calculation, the Company presently expects that the purchase price will be at a substantial discount from the face value of the Preferred Stock.

The purchase option may not be exercised during the ECIP period, which is the first ten years following the Original Closing Date, unless and until at least one of the "Threshold Conditions" defined under the Option Agreement has been met. The Threshold Conditions are as follows: during the ten years that follow the Original Closing Date (the "ECIP Period") either (1) over any sixteen consecutive quarters, an average of at least 60% of the Company's Total Originations, as defined pursuant to the ECIP Disposition Policy (the "Policy"), qualifies as "Deep Impact Lending," as defined pursuant to the Policy (the "Deep Impact Condition"); (2) over any twenty-four consecutive quarters, an average of at least 85% of the Company's Total Originations qualifies as "Qualified Lending," as defined pursuant to the Policy (the "Qualified Lending Condition"); or (3) the Preferred Stock has a dividend rate of no more than 0.5% at each of six consecutive Reset Dates, as defined pursuant to the Policy.