Augmented reality? Pogue checks out 7 of the first iPhone AR apps

There’s been a lot of hype around virtual reality. That’s where you strap on hot, heavy, expensive goggles and look around you in any direction to see a simulated world. It’s great for games, but super isolating.

For my money, augmented reality (AR) is the bigger deal. That’s where you can still see the real world, but the computer superimposes graphics on it. As you look around, the sizes, angles, and distances of the simulated objects smoothly change in real time as though they really exist. (Pokémon Go is an AR app. So is Snapchat when it adds goofy glasses and antennae to your live image.)

Earlier this year, Apple gave AR a huge boost with its release of ARKit, a set of tools for software companies that make it easier to develop AR apps. Using these tools, it took Ikea just 10 weeks to come up with Ikea Place, an app that lets you try out Ikea furniture in your actual home and inspect it from different angles. “Apple has solved things from both a software point of view and a hardware point of view, so they have the full spectrum,” says Michael Valdsgaard, Ikea’s director of digital transformation. “Nobody else has that.”

Last month, Apple released iOS 11, required to use all of the new AR apps— and, in effect, made the iPhone the most common AR platform on Earth.

Now the apps themselves are reaching the app store. Plenty of them are games, of course, and that’s great—but I wanted to see if these apps can actually be useful. Software companies have had only 12 weeks to write these apps, so they’re mostly fairly simple. I thought I’d sample the first wave and give you a report.

Ikea Place (free)

Ikea Place presents you with a catalog of living-room furniture. “We know that people often struggle. They don’t know if they’re picking the right color, the right style,” says Valdsgaard. “It’s an investment, so most people postpone the purchasing decision because they’re not 100 percent confident. We’ve focused on the living-room setting, which is where we think people need the most help, as the earliest.”

You tap the piece of furniture you want, choose a color for it, and then tap the iPhone or iPad screen to plop it down on the floor. At that point, you can drag to move it around, or twist with two fingers to rotate it.

Ikea Place lets you choose furniture (left) to try out in your real-world rooms (right).
Ikea Place lets you choose furniture (left) to try out in your real-world rooms (right).

The realism isn’t perfect. Some of the furniture clearly looks computer generated, without enough detail to sell fabric and leather as real. (Wood and metal surfaces are more believable.) But the size, angle, and walk-around smoothness of the app are extremely authentic. Ikea Place is somewhere between “fascinating experiment” and “useful tool.”